Manley Creative Team

3 Video Marketing Trends To Know In 2022

April 15, 2022

Video content has always been a pillar of great marketing, and successful companies continue to invest in high-quality video production to get their message across. In 2022, we are seeing more ways for a growing number of users to consume content every day. Spotify even recently launched video content of their premier podcast shows, giving listeners the option to watch the show in-app.

Take a look at what’s in store this year for video marketing. We’ve rounded up three trends we see emerging in this space.

Trend 1 | Remote Producing

Remote video production is a growing trend in the video production world. With advancements in technology, it’s now easier than ever for companies to produce videos without having to be on-location. By using tools like Skype and Zoom, companies can easily connect with producers anywhere in the world.

This opens up opportunities for businesses to work with content agencies that are in different markets with reduced travel expenses, flexibility to partner with more producers and editors, and better client visibility and transparency.

This solution is a great fit for busy brand managers, remote teams, and global corporations with various stakeholders invested in a project. Check out what remote producing looks like here.

Trend 2 | Recruitment-Centric Strategy

“The Great Resignation” is real. In a 2020 survey, 92% of people who voluntarily left their job said, “the pandemic made them feel life is too short to stay in a job they aren’t passionate about.”

With an increase in movement between companies and roles, there is more pressure than ever on talent acquisition teams to find the best people. In order to stand out in this competitive landscape, companies must put a heavy focus on video content throughout the recruitment funnel. This begins with creating engaging brand videos that attract top talent by sharing your company values, the benefits of working within your organization, and the team’s your future employees will be working with.

See how we brought Investor Day at SPX Flow to life to rally stakeholders in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic

Video is a great storytelling medium that can help recruit the right talent to fill critical roles for your organization. At Manley Creative, your business is our passion – what better way to tell your company’s story than through amazing videos?

Trend 3 | Platform Fluid Content

Your customers are consuming more content today than ever before, on a variety of platforms. It’s important to prioritize adjusting video for the unique ways that viewers are consuming content: on mobile, on television, via Instagram Reels, in-feed on articles, between video games. Placements are everywhere.

Whether it’s being distributed through retail, webpage, email, TikTok, or YouTube, it’s important to keep the end-user experience in mind. Before even getting started on video production, we meet with your team to review where your customers are at and how they will be consuming content. This helps guide the production and editing teams to deliver content that will grab your audiences’ attention.

Video shoots can be utilized to capture a variety of content, which will enhance the user experience while staying cost efficient. And what’s better than getting quality video marketing at a great rate?


Video marketing is still on the rise and 2022 is going to be an even more important year for the medium. Make sure you are planning ahead and utilizing all the video content you can to stay ahead of the competition. Contact us today to get started!

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